Monday, January 17, 2022

Deer in Japan at Miyajima 宮島の日本の鹿

Deer in Japan at Miyajima 宮島の日本の鹿

The sika deer (Cervus nippon) is also known as the spotted deer or the Japanese deer. This is a species of deer native to much of East Asia and introduced to other parts of the world. Previously found from northern Vietnam in the south to the Russian Far East in the north, it is now really uncommon except in Japan (where the species is overabundant).

The interesting name comes from shika (鹿), the Japanese word for "deer". In Japan, the species is known as the nihonjika (ニホンジカ (日本鹿), "Japan deer").


The sika deer is a member of the genus Cervus, a group of deer also known as the "true deer". Formerly, sika were really grouped together in this genus with 9 other species. Now, only the sika and red deer remain, the latter being divided into three separate species: European red deer, central Asian red deer, and American elk (though this remains controversial).

Itsukushima is also known as Miyajima. This is a small island in Hiroshima Bay, western Japan. It is known for its many forests and ancient temples. Just offshore, the giant, orange Great Torii Gate is partially submerged at high tide. It marks the entrance to the Itsukushima Shrine - this was first built in the 12th century. Nearby, the Museum of History and Folklore has interesting cultural artifacts in an interesting 19th-century merchant's home.


ニホンジカは、「真の鹿」としても知られる鹿のグループであるシカ属のメンバーです。 以前は、sikaは他の9つの種とこの属に実際にグループ化されていました。 現在、ニホンジカとアカシカだけが残っており、後者はヨーロッパのアカシカ、中央アジアのアカシカ、アメリカのエルクの3つの種に分けられています(これについては議論の余地があります)。

厳島は宮島としても知られています。 これは、西日本の広島湾にある小さな島です。 多くの森や古代寺院で知られています。 沖合にある巨大なオレンジ色の大鳥居は、満潮時に部分的に水没しています。 厳島神社の入り口です。これは12世紀に最初に建てられました。 近くの歴史民俗博物館には、興味深い19世紀の商人の家に興味深い文化的遺物があります。


鹿 Deer
宮島 Miyajima

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