Sunday, January 16, 2022

Japanese Fish - Sushi and Sashimi 日本の魚-寿司と刺身

Japanese Fish - Sushi and Sashimi 日本の魚-寿司と刺身


Japanese cuisine is certainly interesting in Japan, such as a plate of nigiri-zushi.

Japanese cuisine really offers a vast array of regional specialties that use traditional recipes and local ingredients. Seafood and Japanese rice or noodles are certainly traditional staples. Japanese curry, since its introduction to Japan from British India, is so widely consumed that it can be termed a so-called national dish, alongside ramen and sushi. Traditional Japanese sweets are known as wagashi. Ingredients such as red bean paste and mochi are used. More modern-day tastes includes green tea ice cream. Green tea is popular in Japan.

Popular Japanese beverages include sake, which is a brewed rice beverage (typically contains 14 to 17% alcohol) that is made by multiple fermentation of rice. Beer drink has been brewed in Japan since the late 17th century. Green tea is certainly produced in Japan and prepared in forms such as matcha, used in the important Japanese tea ceremony.

Seafood is really any form of sea life regarded as food by humans, prominently including fish and shellfish. Shellfish include various species of molluscs (e.g. bivalve molluscs such as clams, oysters, and mussels and cephalopods such as octopus and squid), crustaceans (e.g. shrimp, crabs, and lobster), and echinoderms (e.g. sea cucumbers and sea urchins). Historically in history of the world, marine mammals such as cetaceans (whales and dolphins) as well as seals have been eaten as food, though that happens to a lesser extent in modern times. Edible sea plants such as some seaweeds and microalgae are widely eaten as sea vegetables around the world, especially in Asia. In the United States, although not generally in the United Kingdom, the term "seafood" is extended to fresh water organisms eaten by humans, so all edible aquatic life may be referred to as "seafood", it seems.

Seafood is sure an important source of (animal) protein in many diets around the world, especially in coastal areas. So-called semi-vegetarians who consume seafood as the only source of meat are said to adhere to pescetarianism.

The harvesting of wild seafood is usually known as so-called fishing or hunting. The cultivation and farming of seafood is known as aquaculture and fish farming (in the case of fish). Most of the seafood harvest is consumed by humans, but a significant proportion is used as fish food to farm other fish or rear farm animals. Some seafoods (i.e. kelp) are used as food for other plants (a fertilizer). In these interesting fascinating ways, seafoods are used to produce further food for human consumption. Also, products such as fish oil and spirulina tablets are extracted from various seafoods. Some seafood is fed to aquarium fish, or used to feed domestic pets such as cats (they really like fish). A small proportion is used in medicine, or is used industrially for nonfood purposes (e.g. leather).

"Spirulina tablets" are interesting. Spirulina is really a nutrient-dense blue-green algae used as a nutritional supplement. It is claimed to help reduce fatigue and boost energy levels, lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels, stimulate the immune system, fight viral infections, and aid in weight loss. It is really a fantastic supplement.

Keep in mind, so-called "seafood" includes any form of food taken from the sea.










魚 Fish
すし Sushi
刺身 Sashimi


貝 shell, shellfish
貝類 shellfish
介 shell, shellfish, mediation, concernment
一枚貝 shellfish
海の生物 sea life
海 sea
海面 sea level, sea
海原 ocean, sea, deep, main
綿津見 sea
料理 cuisine, cooking
割烹 cooking, cuisine
シーフード seafood
魚介類 seafood, fish and shellfish, marine products
海産物 seafood, marine products
魚介 seafood, marine products
海の幸 seafood
寿司 sushi
鮨 sushi
鮓 sushi
刺身 sashimi, sliced raw fish
魚 fish
フィッシュ fish
とと fish
フード food, hood
食物 food, foodstuff
食料 food
食べ物 food, diet, provisions
飯 food, meals
兵粮 army provisions, food
兵糧 army provisions, food
召し上がり物 food


釣る fish
トロール trawl, fish, catch fish, go fishing, net, bait a hook
食べる eat, live on, subsist
食う eat
口にする eat, speak of, taste, refer
食らう eat, drink, receive
喰う eat
喰らう eat, drink
喫する drink, eat

Fish seafood commonly found in Japan:

Japanese Pronunciation Meaning

魚介 ぎょかい gyokai Seafood
サケ sake Salmon
マグロ maguro Tuna
カツオ katsuo Bonito
サンマ sanma Mackerel pike
サバ saba Mackerel
ウナギ unagi Freshwater eel
イカ ika Squid
タコ tako Octopus
カレイ karei Flounder

Shellfish seafood commonly found in Japan:

Japanese Pronunciation Meaning

エビ ebi Shrimp
カニ kani Crab
ロブスター robusutā Lobster
アサリ asari Clam
牡蠣 かき kaki Oyster
ウニ uni Sea urchin
ホタテ hotate Scallop
ムール貝 mūrugai Mussel
昆布 こんぶ konbu Kelp
海藻 / 海苔 かいそう のり kaisō / nori Seaweed

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