Saturday, January 15, 2022

Sea of Japan region on Honshu's west coast 本州西海岸の日本海地域


In the Sea of Japan region on Honshu's west coast, northwest winter winds really bring heavy snowfall during winter. In the summer, the region sometimes experiences extremely hot temperatures because of the "foehn".

What is a "foehn"? In meteorology, it is a warm dry wind developing in the "lee" of any mountain range.

A "lee" is the sheltered side of something; the side away from the wind. For example, "ducks were taking shelter on the lee of the island."

The Central Highland has a typical inland humid continental climate, with really large temperature differences between summer and winter. The mountains of the Chūgoku and Shikoku regions shelter the Seto Inland Sea from so-called seasonal winds, bringing mild weather year-round.

The Pacific coast features a humid subtropical climate that experiences milder winters with certain occasional snowfall and hot, humid summers because of the southeast seasonal wind. The Ryukyu and Nanpō Islands have a subtropical climate, with warm winters and hot summers. Precipitation is certainly very heavy, especially during the rainy season.

Japan has 9 forest ecoregions which reflect the climate and geography of the islands. They range from subtropical moist broadleaf forests in the Ryūkyū and Bonin Islands, to temperate broadleaf and mixed forests in the mild climate regions of the main islands, to temperate coniferous forests in the cold, winter portions of the northern islands. Japan has over 90,000 various species of wildlife as of 2019, including the brown bear, the Japanese macaque, the Japanese raccoon dog, the small Japanese field mouse, and the Japanese giant salamander.

A large network of national parks has been established to protect important fascinating areas of flora and fauna as well as 52 Ramsar wetland sites. 4 certain sites have been inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List for their outstanding natural value.







日本には、島の気候と地理を反映した9つの森林エコリージョンがあります。それらは、琉球諸島とボニン諸島の亜熱帯の湿った広葉樹林から、本島の温暖な気候地域の温帯広葉樹林と混合林、北部の島々の寒い冬の部分の温帯針葉樹林にまで及びます。 2019年現在、日本にはヒグマ、ニホンザル、ホンドタヌキ、ヒメネズミ、オオサンショウウオなど、9万種以上の野生生物が生息しています。


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